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My personal journey

Trained as a nurse with a specialisation in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, I worked in the Netherlands for more than 10 years. In 2012 me, my husbands and our four kids moved to New Zealand and have never looked back. The idea of working nightshifts again didn't really appeal to me, and when the personal trainer in my little hometown quit I saw a great opportunity. I retrained myself and started working as a personal trainer in 2018. I like good food, walking, hiking and baking. I didn't start running until I was well into my 30's, and have been building up my strength and fitness ever since, exploring my boundaries. I have completed a half ironman in 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023 and have ran more than 13 half marathons. I know, I know.... but everyone is entitled to their own craziness, right?

I enjoy my work as a holistic movement coach, yoga teacher and personal trainer. And having dealt with a fair bit of injuries myself, I know what it's like to have a body and mind that doesn't work as required.

But if I can work my way around it, so can you!


The menopausal transition hit me like a ton of bricks and because of that, I made it my mission to guide as many women as possible through this bumpy ride, which can feel like a rollercoaster at times. Think about evidence based information about your hormones, nutrition, the way exercise might change. But also about changes in relationships, brain fog and maybe even more symptoms you were not aware could be part of this. You are not alone, and surely not going crazy. I am here for you.

Tomato face! Yes, I sweat too... ;)
My moto! ;)
The finish!
Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 19.38.14
Half a marathon in...
Hubby and me
This is what I look like after a work-out...
Iron Man!
So proud!
Look at me! So proud!

"I wnt to one of Marja's presentations, thinking it would benefit my clients. Only to find out I was perimenopausesla myself!" She really helped me to connect the dots, and  was kind enough to provide me with some tools so I can talk to my GP. Can't thank you enough!"



I make sure I keep myself up to date with the latest developments in my fields of expertise. 

My courses and certifications include Personal Training, Personal Health Coach, 200-hour Yoga Teacher training, 20-hour Yoga Medicine Innovation, 55-hour Yoga Medicine Mental Health & Wellness course, Pelvic Floor Safe course, Next Level Movement Coach, Holistic Movement, Advanced Sports & Exercise Nutritional Advisor and Exercise as Medicine. 


As far as the menopause space goes, I am currently  a member of the Newson Health Menopause Society where I make sure I keep put to dat with the latest developments in the menopause area.


I attend the yearly FITEX Conferences for the latest developments and innovations in my fields of interests. In both 2019 and 2022 I was one of the top 10 finalists to go for the PT of the year award.   I also keep up to date with my First Aid course every other year, so every client is safe with me.


Because I am NZ reps registered (since 2017), I have to do courses and collect my development points I see myself as a life long learner, keen to keep developing myself on both personal and professional areas.

Women's Health

Every woman will go through menopause when they live long enough. 
This long term hormone deficiency will come with increased risks of cardio vasculair disease, increased risk of osteoporosis, Alzheimer disease and more inflammatory diseases. looking after your health through movement, stress reduction, diet, sleep hygiene, supplements/medication if needed  and working on meaningful connection can have a big impact on the quality of life


Lifting weight has been linked to better mood, stronger muscles and bone, increase in basic metabolic rate and a reduced sensitivity to insulin. Finding ways to increase your heart rate has so many long term health benefits.


Overall, you can say that resistance training is good for body and brain. 
Going through perimenopause might mean you have to rethink your way of training to accommodate the changes in your body.


Having high stress levels has an influence on the other hormones in your body, especially oestrogen and progesterone. dealing with stress, reducing your stress levels are key in order to help you to deal with anxiety and keep your mood up. Yoga and breastwork are proven ways to calm down your nervous system. It will help you to reduce your stress levels, improve the quality of sleep and will help you to deal with your partners wrong breathing at night ;)

" I was stuck in my life, and was told i was too young to go through  menopause ( 38yo). Marja helped me to get my life back on track, and she saved my marriage.
On HRT now and feel back to myself again. I can't rate her knwoledge highly enough!"


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